Saturday, November 14, 2015

Week 11

Skin Analysis

Taking a closer look at how some building envelopes perform as a skin, in this case as a protection from the sun, with high tech, low tech, and vernacular strategies.  The first is in the very hot, dry climate of Abu Dhabi where the intense sun is a dominant architectural concern.

The two buildings are extreme opposites of each other - the vernacular home where the screen has many functions and the occupant is very connected to the screen and how it affects the space, and the high rise, high tech tower where the screen performs one automatic function and is disconnected from the occupant.  There are other examples of buildings with high tech sun screens while still being connected with the users and the users being able to have some control of the screen.

The next is an example of skin and frame of a vernacular home in a hot, wet climate (Malaysia) and a low tech home in a cold/four season climate (Wisconsin).  This comparison illustrates how the strategies for dealing with sun, rain, and ventilation compare and contrast between the two climates.

I will also need to get vernacular examples from four season climates similar to the Treasure Valley/Idaho climate as well as more precedents of building envelope performing other skin functions.

I am also looking for examples/precedents of what I am envisioning wearing a building may look/function like.  This is one example that I like except that the shading louvers are automatic without the option of the occupant being able to control them.

More on program and site  
 A community school is a public school with a partnership with other community resources to bring together funding and support services and opportunities personalized to the needs of the students, the families, and the community.  The difference between a conventional school and a community school can be compared to the difference between a single function rotary telephone and a multi functional smart phone. (Coalition for Community Schools,

An example of a community school in New York City. (retrieved from

Three possible community school sites that would service low income areas (a target for this school model) and include the adaptive reuse of older existing school buildings.

I will need to collect additional information about these school sites and communities as well as continue to look at other possible sites across the Treasure Valley. It was also suggested that I start looking at program and space requirements for the community school model and for the actual projected student needs for each school/neighborhood area.

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